Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Recap Of God H8's

Here’s a recap of the way we feel about the video we posted earlier today. After watching the video again the only thing we can say that makes any sense is this. The people of The Westboro Baptist Church who made this video are uneducated and looking to create drama. They are more of a cult than they are a church. Obviously this is easy to see because they are trying to tell you how God feels. They’re telling you God hates all of these people when the bible clearly states that God hates no one. If anything “God H8’s” people who try to claim they know the thoughts of God and those who hurt people with their words. This is a “church” that is only looking to start drama because they have nothing better to do. If they were a real church they wouldn’t be wasting their time making childish videos with parody music and calling gay people “Fags” like a teenage bully. I only have a few things to the people who participated in this video. Get a life and get a clue. No one cares about your judgment and it’s not your place to be telling people what your uneducated minds think is right. Thanks for your effort on this dense and incorrect video. I’ll make sure to attend the Razzie’s when your video is chosen to win worst movie of the year. 

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