Some of you may have heard about the Vice President of the Arkansas Department of Education (Clint McCance) writing anti-gay things on his facebook page. It is reported that he used the terms “queer” and “fag” throughout his post. He also said he wanted gay people to commit suicide and said he would disown his children if they were gay. He stated that he enjoys “the fact that gay people often give each other AIDS and die”
On “sprit day” a day were people wore purple in remembrance of the 5 who had committed suicide he reportedly wrote "Seriously they want me to wear purple because five queers committed suicide. The only way im wearin it for them is if they all commit suicide. I cant believe the people of this world have gotten this stupid. We are honoring the fact that they sinned and killed therselves because of their sin.” We’re trying to stop gay bullying yet we have a bully working in our own schools. How could the school board have over looked something like this when they were in the hiring process? His actions were just hateful and disgusting, and personally I hope he is fired from the board of education. He doesn’t deserve to have a job working with children when he could possibly be endangering them. Who knows how many of the gay students that he has harassed and bullied?
How could anyone even say that they would disown their children if they were gay. If he found out his children were gay would he tell them to go kill themselves? This man isn’t even fit to be a parent! He is teaching his children hate and anger towards gays and we have already seen how much trouble and hurt anti-gay bullying can cause. What if the roles were reversed and someone who was gay posted on their facebook that they wanted straight people to commit suicide? I’m sure that McCance would be furious and say that their actions were hurtful and childish.
It absolutely pains me to see gay bullying and it’s even worse when it comes from someone who is supposed to make teens feel safe. When he posted this was he hoping gay people would read it and go commit suicide? He thinks that being gay is a sin but isn’t saying hurtful things to try and make someone want to kill themselves a sin to? Hey McCance you’re not so peachy perfect yourself! If you can say these kinds of things and think you’re the one doing the right thing then you’re obviously mixed up and need a serious wakeup call!
As I said before I hope he is shunned from the school board and can never work in a school or anywhere that people might have feelings. He obviously has way to much fun trying to hurt them. And I’ll end this post flipping the roles just for you McCance, I want all guys named Clint McCance to commit suicide. How does it feel to hear that about you?
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